Unique gadgets usually get attention not just by how they look but also in terms of their function. One such kind of unique gadget is the Ice Cream Ball. A look at this gadget and what it does will make you think that you should have one at home.
The Play and Freeze Ice Cream Ball, just by the name itself, may already give you an idea on what this unique device is all about. It will enable you make your own ice cream in a quite unique way. For one, it doesn't require any electric power to make the ice cream. All it requires is the principle of thermodynamics put into work along with some physical effort.
You would need milk and cream mix, some ice and rock salt. You put them inside their respective compartments in the Ice Cream Ball, close it and then roll it around for about 20 minutes. No kicks necessary. After around that time, you will have your own homemade ice cream to enjoy. You can check it out for yourself if you want to. It's available at Amazon for US$20.